Monday, November 8, 2010

6:30 in the Morning

I have mixed feelings about the night shift, particularly when all my co-workers leave and I am left her with a few busy janitors around 6:30 in the morning.

On the one hand, I am seeing a part of the day that no one else gets to see. I work in a modern constructed building meaning that the facade of the building is all windows and I get to watch the sky change all kinds of intricate colors as the sunrises everyday. While I am at a desk, since not many are familiar with 6:30 in the morning its peaceful and I can read, write or get any kind of computer work done. It's quite an easy job at 6:30 in the morning.

On the other hand, 6:30 in the morning is a lonely time. There is no one here except me and a few busy janitors. There is no one to tease or play with, or relieve me from the desk if I have to go to the little girl's room. If anything is to happen in the building...I will be the only one here and even though I am trained and have everyone's numbers at my finger tips, it still makes me panic a little inside.

Oh 6:30 in the morning, what am I supposed to do with you? I used to dread you when I had to wake up at this time and now I am glad because it means my shift is almost done, but are you lonely or serene, I guess it will just vary by the day.

Article #6-Winter Registration

Article for the Echo on Winter Registration:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

NaNoWriMo: Getting Harder

Word Count:10,334
Status: Still don't have a passage I'm proud of, but story is still developing smoothly with no writer's block yet.

While so far I feel I have been pretty good at setting up my story in a way where I am never stuck as to what is going to happen the next time I go to write it, it is getting harder and harder to find the time and the motivation to keep writing.

As stated before, the goal is to write 1667 words a day, at first this seemed very easy, a minuscule amount. It was only about a chapter, only about six pages. Well, at first it is easy, but try writing six pages everyday! Not so easy after all.

For the first time yesterday I fell short of my daily word count by about 300 words, I tried very hard to catch up and get those last words in by midnight and I just didn't make it.

Today, I was trying to work ahead because I have a massive research paper to work on as of Wednesday of next week. I thought I was doing good, but between falling 300 words short yesterday and doing my words for today...I only got about 300 words past my daily goal today.

For the next few days I am going to continue to try to work ahead of schedule and get as much possible, so that I do actually complete my research paper, but as for tonight after playing catch up, I just don't have anymore in me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

NaNoWriMo Doing Good so Far

Word Count: 6989

I'm on the ball, I've met my goal for most days and I am even a little ahead of schedule. I have set up the next scene to know exactly where I'm going, so I'm feeling pretty good.

One of my friends informed me today that she read an article about how publishers hate NaNoWriMo, because people will write these novels and immediately send them to the publishers. I certainly will not be doing that, but I was thinking about starting some kind of revision goal for the next year so as to make this novel into something worth reading later...right now its where it is supposed to be at a 0 draft.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day Three

Word Count: 5256

For the first time I did not go over 1,666 words, instead I am slightly under that goal, but it is still extremely early in the day and I may feel the motivation to write a hundred more words or even more later.

Challenges I have faced so far: this novel is a 0 draft and therefore pretty bad. I have to keep going and I have to keep pushing myself to write without going back or else I would start obsessing over the details and never meet my goal each day.

However, sacrifices I have made in order to meet my goal each day, include not being able to decide on a setting for my story. A part of me pictures it in the big apple whereas another part of me pictures it in a small town, these two settings would give the book a completely different tone. All I know is my main character walks everywhere, so maybe somehow it could be half and half? But am I really knowledgeable enough about any place that aren't the suburbs I grew up in to write about it.

A second challenge I am hoping I face only because it is only day three and we are so early on in the game is the fact that I do not really have an excerpt I am proud to post yet. Perhaps, if I went back and read my story I might find something, but the fact that I will not allow myself to go back and fix anything is stopping me from looking.

I hope that something I write in the next twenty-seven days will just seem so fun to me I will not feel ashamed to post it as an excerpt.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Help a Nonprofit Literary Organization!

Day two of National Novel Writing Month
Word count: 3644
Novel Title: Fairy Godmothers Inc.

I also learned more about the program of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) itself. It is part of a bigger organization known as The Office of Letters and Light, who much like 826Michigan and other 826's, bring free creative writing programs for children and adults. It also gives money to classrooms for teachers of young writers. I suggest, if you support literacy in anyway you should donate to this company!

You can donate at:

If you are curious about exactly where your donations are going (or skeptical, seeing as how so many people are asking for money these days), you can visit for exact details. They even have a pdf chart for you to look at and everything!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

First Day of NaNoWriMo

The website is not letting me sign on, which I am really bummed out about because I completed my words and even though I started out just babbling in the beginning I think I have written myself to a wonderful story. Anyway, the website will not believe me later but here are my facts.

Word count: 1782
Genre: Chick Lit
Novel Title: Fairy Godmothers Inc.


I pledge allegiance to write a novel....

It has begun, my first year participating in National Novel Writing Month! The goal is to write a 175 page or 50,000 word novel in thirty days, by writing 6-10 pages of a novel a day.

I know I have to get started sometime today, but I have not idea what I am going to do. Should I write the sequel to the Underwater Adventure story that isn't exactly finished itself yet? Shall I whip out my barista characters? Or none of the above!

After all, the point of this is to start writing from maybe I should do just that, just start writing and see where it takes me without planning a thing!

Sounds like the most exciting and the most nerve racking thing all at once! Wish me luck!

Follow me or join and friend me on the official NaNoWriMo website.