Before I begin I have to give the credit for the idea of this blog entry to one of my most inspirational teachers Patricia Ann McNair from the Interlochen writers retreat I attended in 2009. She teaches writing at Columbus College in Chicago and has just recently published a terrific book full of short stories entitled: "The Temple of Air." She has been posting journal prompts on her blog daily...I have decided to use these prompts, which were probably intended for personal journal uses, twist them around and use them as a way to look more deeply inside the Bitchin' Baristas.
The first prompt starts...On another winter morning....
Ella: On another winter morning Cliff would be walking in the snow with me. I never really bothered to ask him if he liked the snow or not and I'm not sure I would've gotten a straight answer anyway. He would've said that he liked to do whatever I liked to do. He once walked three miles in knee deep snow with me without making a fuss. Now, as I try to sop up the milk I had spilled all over my shirt, I watch Gabe-formely known to the other baristas as 6-Shot-Mocha-Latte-Guy swinging his new girlfriend around in the parking lot. She was so pretty, so petite and the two of them were smiling ear to ear. It is hard to believe that only 3 months ago his first marriage had ended. How did he get happy again so fast? How could I....?
Cindy: On another winter morning...if I wasn't still in bed... I would be driving Boring-Vanilla-Latte-Guy crazy as I flipped my hair and bent over so slightly to wipe down the tables, but for some reason predictable Boring-Vanilla-Latte-Guy didn't show up today and so I am forced to work with Pompous-Green-Tea-Man. The thought makes me throw-up in my mouth a little bit because Pompous-Green-Tea-Man spends his day here playing stocks on his computer, so he probably has a lot of money and yet he still wears dorky shorts and socks with his flip flops. I can just imagine he would keep his socks on and pulled up passed his ankles like that as we climbed into his bed, but no matter its worth a shot anyway...poor Boring-Vanilla-Latte-Guy he just doesn't know what he's going to miss.
Tiffany: On another winter morning the snow and ice may have been the most sparkliest thing in the world, but not this morning. This morning the most eye catching 2 karat sparkle is on my finger. I could barely stand to get out of his bed this morning after the night we had, but I have not escaped the daily grind just yet. Though I really should have been paying more attention to the grinds themselves because today as I ground the coffee beans they overflowed from the filter and right into where the diamond was set. Oh well, as soon as Penny and Rich leave I will simply use the milk wand to steam clean the ring and make sure it keeps shining as I punch the screen of the cash register.
Kay: On another winter morning I may have seen something besides splattered blood patterns in the snow. I may have seen red ribbons and sashes contrasting with the blanket of whiteness. There may have been flecks of silver and sparkles as bells rang in the distance. I would not be sitting here poking my finger with a needle in order to get the stimulation needed to forget the pain. The pain I cannot even bare to slap down on a page and call a poem. On another winter morning poems would not need to be called poems but instead they would be called vows. A winter morning is how I always pictured it anyway. I would not be sitting here freezing on a windowsill because I'm trying to freeze out the world and I would not be drawing patterns in the snow with my own blood just because I think it's pretty.
As always I am interested in your reactions and feedback!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Meet the Bitchin' Baristas
This post is a special post because in this post I am going to reveal the characters which narrate the Bitchin' Barista series!
The following is a description of each barista and a very rough sketch (please do not judge me on my drawing ability, I think you can still get a persona out of these sketches):

Ella is the most down-to-Earth narrator in the series with a deep and passionate personality, on the other hand she struggles to overcome here timidness and let her true colors shine. Coming from the background of a broken home, she observes different relationships throughout the book always flashing back on her own and wondering, was she really ever in love? Is it possible? And what does it mean exactly?
Cindy views the world completely opposite from her best friend Ella. She says and does whatever comes to her mind without giving it a second thought. She has no future plans and does not intend to create them. Yesterday she was a waitress, today she's a barista! Her philosophy on relationships is screw trying to figure them out, let's all just have fun and get laid. There isn't ONE man around that could keep up with her wild ways anyway! She stashes a tiny pink handgun, but where she keeps it exactly is a secret....
As an aspiring actress, Tiffany is bright and bubbly. She will never forget her cheerleading days in high school. Her sunny outlook on the world has a way of making people sick. She trusts everyone and no guy for her could ever be scum. She became a barista because she believes that prince charming will find her in the coffee shop and maybe he has. Tiffany is in love with Jared, a coffee shop regular with lots of money to spare...enough for an engagement ring perhaps?
Kay is dark. Kay is cynical. Kay wears ALOT of eye-liner and black clothing. In fact, the only color she has in her wardrobe are the ribbons that hang from her hair. She will not put on a fake face or smile for any customer, unless maybe the boss is around and threatens her job for it. However...there's this one customer that digs the queen of darkness and makes a game out of trying to make her smile. He may even present her with a diamond ring. His name is Jared...oh wait...could that be the same Jared as Tiffany's Jared....
There is one more barista that works with the four of these girls who does not do any hefty narrating...her name is Chinca...she loves caffeine and is constantly shaking from the hype of doing espresso shots straight from the machine.
There are many other characters to be seen in this series including their bosses, their boyfriends and regular customers that come into the coffee shop that is called "Smile in Your Cup Cafe."
But the four above are the ones telling the story...and we all know how important reliability of the narrator can be...
There will be more posts and writing prompts that develop these characters further. I am always open to feedback and suggestions left in the comments.
The following is a description of each barista and a very rough sketch (please do not judge me on my drawing ability, I think you can still get a persona out of these sketches):

Ella is the most down-to-Earth narrator in the series with a deep and passionate personality, on the other hand she struggles to overcome here timidness and let her true colors shine. Coming from the background of a broken home, she observes different relationships throughout the book always flashing back on her own and wondering, was she really ever in love? Is it possible? And what does it mean exactly?



There is one more barista that works with the four of these girls who does not do any hefty narrating...her name is Chinca...she loves caffeine and is constantly shaking from the hype of doing espresso shots straight from the machine.
There are many other characters to be seen in this series including their bosses, their boyfriends and regular customers that come into the coffee shop that is called "Smile in Your Cup Cafe."
But the four above are the ones telling the story...and we all know how important reliability of the narrator can be...
There will be more posts and writing prompts that develop these characters further. I am always open to feedback and suggestions left in the comments.
Art in Coffee Shops,
new book series,
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
A Starbucks is a Starbucks....or is it?

I will also admit right away that one of the most appealing things about Starbucks to me is the hours. Starbucks, even the ones that close at 11pm is open later than most coffee shops.
I will also tell you that the liberal hipster in me wants to not like Starbucks. I want to write it off as corporate, uninviting, unoriginal and not the slightest bit whimsical, but I just can't do it. I have never felt unwelcome at Starbucks, the lighting itself is soft and welcoming. The staff is friendly. Many coffee shops try to copy their drinks-I said many not all so please do not be offended.
The most important thing I like about Starbucks is the icon, the twin-tailed Mermaid. out of all the coffee shops I would say that this icon is the most whimsical of all. The mermaid that glows in the green light outside every Starbucks window or the green stamp on all the cups, always catch my attention. It fascinates me that this rare mythical creature is so widespread throughout the United States. This logo was actually chosen when the creators of Starbucks were studying coffee's sea faring origins. This image originally came from a 16th century Norse woodblock of a twin-tailed mermaid or siren. You can read about it here. If you never paid much attention to the mermaid, perhaps now you will...
As far as the d

The Arborland Location:
- Big plus is that they are open 24 hours, I have been here at all hours of the night and morning. It's nice to have a place to go when everywhere else is closed. Especially if a writing fit attacks you.
- It is located around many stores and restaurants and therefore makes a good place to hang out and chat after shopping or dining
- It is probably the best for people watching because there is always a diverse group of people
- I've been here many-a-times to do homework and there is a big table here to share with others. I've seen and been one of the complete strangers that lend homework support to each other as the night grows later and later.
- One of the biggest complaints that people have about this place and told me to mention upon finding out about my blog is the seating. It is always crowded and therefore I've come here often and not found a place to sit. However, they have remodeled several times to try and solve this problem and I was pleasantly surprised to not only be able to find a seat tonight, but also to see that they have added several more tables and chairs. Aside from adding on to the building I don't see what more could be done.
- There is outdoor seating and a fireplace that shares both the inside and outside. A big plus in my book, when it is not raining-as it is tonight I always try to sit outside by the fire. Even, when it is freezing cold. :)
- A less cr
owded smaller more quaint place. It is a newer location-and I use the term "newer" loosely as in a few years old- I feel like it is slightly more hidden than the other Starbucks never creating a problem with seating. The picture shows just about the WHOLE thing!
- I could see myself writing in the corner near the art and this specific light also seemed whimsical to me...I don't know why, perhaps I've read to much Dr. Seuss in my life.
- I have been to this drive-thru many-a-times on my way to work in the morning and while the staff is very friendly, I warn you if you work a traditional 9-5 schedule like
me, only do this if you have an extra fifteen minutes to spare in the morning. Yes, there is usually a line, but even if there isn't I would say I still spend over 7 minutes in line each time, but I am not supposed to be talking about that. I am supposed to tell you about this place as a writing space.
- I have had some seating issues here too, but none that have not been solved and result in me leaving (as I've had to do with the Arborland location in the past).
- Something about this location is not as homey as the other two. I wish, dear reader, that I could be more specific for you, but I just know this isn't the place for me. Perhaps, I have used it as a back-up location too much or perhaps I am just bitter about my morning coffee not being presented to me instantly, it could even be the fact that the building is not as architecturally pleasing to me as the other ones...which isn't Starbucks fault, but none-the-less this is not the place for me.
I am starting to believe that where something is written affects what is written...and although I do not feel like a novel would pour out of me at Starbucks, wondering what kind of novel would be written here might be a start.

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