I have heard people describe Biggby lattes as "sweeter" than Starbucks' which people may prefer. I have heard other people who are Biggby fans describe Starbucks' coffee as "burnt" and it's true they do have a darker blend. It seems that these two places are just meant to be polar opposites and those who prefer one place may not prefer the other.
However, I have a dreadful secret. I used to work at Biggby. I won't say which one, but I think it was the worst job I ever had. The owner was a frickin' dragon lady, who I bet did not have higher than a high school education considering how she trashed her employees like she was in the movie "Mean Girls."
Not to mention "corporate" used to come in once a month and quiz like drill sergeants us on policies, dress code and drinks. Seriously, once I was reciting Biggby's motto to them and I accidentally said the word "beverage" instead of "drink" and they circled it in red pen.
Some people may think that my dislike for writing there may only come from the horrible time I spent working there, but let me tell you that I have worked at other coffee shops that I did not always enjoy (it was my go-to after college job before I became a librarian, hence the barista characters) and I would not rule them out as a writing spot like I am ruling out Biggby Coffee.
Nevertheless, I do enjoy their smoothies. I do not think any other coffee shop has mastered smoothies such as the banana cream freeze or the strawberry shortcake quite like Biggby Coffee. So, I am admitting that I will go there on occasion. It's just not somewhere I will be hanging around. I will just be running in when I crave a delicious smoothie and then running out. More like a fast food place than a coffee shop.