Thursday, March 18, 2010


Me? My name is Angela Michelle Scott and I started this blog because I tend to romanticize everything in my life, whether I like it or not and it has it's ups and downs. I graduated with a bachelor in arts from Eastern Michigan University with a triple major in Creative Writing, Art History and Comprehensive Communications and Theatre arts...but I feel as though my education really started after graduation day, when I was thrown to the pack of wolves in the world.

I am a writer through and through and even though I'm like the many who hope to become published one day, I would write regardless. That's what real writers do, they write regardless of who's reading, it's as natural as breathing and while our mind wanders we have visions of typing everything out on a keyboard.

I have a strong interest in art and as mentioned before studied art history but just recently, since taking a journal/sketch at the interlochen writer's retreat this summer 2010 have I been playing with different artistic mediums myself.

So, join me on my life journey as an aspiring author and beginning level artist...after all art is my only outlet to express how I see and perceive the world.

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