Did anyone else miss the dreamy and rebellious Puck this week, or was it just me? Am I the only one who cared to see him go?
He was one of my favorite and one of the most colorful characters from the first season. I mean who else can get away with a Mohawk these days? He added an edge to the Glee club, that I'm sorry to say cannot be replaced with the new character Sam.
Which by the way, what was up with that? All of a sudden Sam's on board with Glee club? I would like to see that turn around please. It would've made more sense if he joined suddenly because of meeting Quinn, but nope he just gets introduced like its no big thing, kind of like how Puck going to juvey gets a reaction for only a few minutes. They could've at least shown him getting into trouble on the show.
Then, when researching the topic I find very little Internet concern over the loss of Puck's character. All I see, is that in season three, everyone is going to have to re-audition and Puck or Artie might be gone for good! People if we do not start a campaign to save Puck now, we could lose him!
Don't leave Puck, I will miss your edge.
But, Angela! Have you SEEN Sam's lips?