Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Let's Take a Vote: Which would you read?

I have had my car back for about two weeks now, but due
to the holiday season I have been a bit of a slacker on the blog front.

First of all, I want to cheer for my two new followers...yay!! I really appreciate your support and look forward to any comments you want to make in the future. If anyone else out there is reading regularly and wants to become a follower your support would be appreciated as well. :)

Anyway, I am completely prepared for the holiday season now and in just a few days things will be calming down with the light work week after the holidays before next semester starts. I will continue exploring coffee shops, but I want to select ONE writing project...instead of the many I have started now.

This is where you come in dear reader, please help me decide:

1. The Underwater Story- a young adult trilogy I started to create when I was in the fifth grade about two teens and their younger siblings that discover their past is connected to a magical underwater world.

2. The Bitchin' Baristas- A slightly older series of twenty-somethin' girls who work in a coffee shop posing as our modern day Cinderellas. There is romance, there is heartbreak and there are typical jerks for bosses as they struggle
to earn a living.

3. Entanglement- A play that demonstrates we are all connected in a way where we are "entangled" with each other and the people of our past trap us like a web.

4. The Fairy Godmother Business- After going through multiple unsuccessful careers and relationships Lola decides to convince her friend Trish to
start T he Fairy Godmother business- a top secret business dedicated to creating, preparing and helping women through the experience of the perfect "Cinderella" evening.

Which are you most interested in reading? Vote on idea 1, 2, 3 or 4


  1. I love #2 the best but I suppose I am biased. Maybe you could just combine all 4? ;)

  2. I really wanna see Bitchin' Baristas developed more! I think it's a great idea because it's an angle you don't normally see, but a lot of people will identify with the perspective: either personally or because they frequent cafes. You seem to have a winner!
